Secure Your Doors.

1. Lock them.

You might be saying, “Hello, Captain Obvious!” However, you’ll be surprised how many people leave doors unlocked while they’re away from the home. It’s not a good idea. I know sometimes we forget to lock doors in the rush of life but look no further than here – if you have a z-wave home security panel, you can integrate z-wave deadbolt locks that can be locked anywhere on the planet via cellular signal.

What about sliding glass doors? With the simple lift by two thumbs many sliding glass doors can be lifted right off the tracks making the latch lock of no effect! We recommend installing additional vertical locks on sliding glass doors and adding wooden poles to lodge them shut.


2. Sensor them.

In addition, having a security alarm means that all points of entry will have security sensors, which can notify you if a door has been opened, giving you even greater sense of security.

Imagine having an intruder break into the house while your home, wouldn’t it be great to know exactly where they’re coming in from, so you can defend yourself and your family accordingly?

I hope you found this advice helpful! Contact a Best Alarm represenative to find the right package to properly secure your doors.